Friday, March 26, 2010

Resurrection Eggs

Last week we did the Resurrection Eggs for our group time.  These are a pretty cool way to review the events of Holy Week for a family, childen's ministry or youth group. People made neat connections, and it even helped the adults to know the story better as well as the order.

Resurrection Eggs.  The Resurrection Eggs are basically a timeline activity that does a nice job of giving a visual connection with the major events of Holy Week.
  • How to play:  we take turns pulling eggs out of the carton until they are all taken.  (That way if there’s an uneven amount, the youngest get more.)  But do not open them yet. 
  • Starting again with the youngest, one person opens an egg and shows what’s inside.  What is it?  What is it’s connection with Jesus’ story?  On some of the objects it’s pretty clear and on others it could be several things.  Guesses are okay – there’s no single correct answer.
  • The first person puts their egg down.  The second person tries to guess if their item goes before or after.  Each person then tries to put their item in order, forming a kind of timeline.  Be sure to share how you remember the order, or what connections you see between the events, or especially what the events mean to you and why they’re important.  Of course, it’s not a quiz, and it’s okay for the person to get help – especially if the helper shares their thinking.  But it’s good for the opener to get a chance to guess or try first.  Try to put the items in order, and then take turns saying what comes next and how they know.  Circulate to answer questions and help with the procedure.
  • When it's time to clean up, you can either put things back in their original eggs, or mix it up.  I think mixing it up keeps it fresher, as you never know what you’re going to get.

The items and their original intent:
Donkey – Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey.  What we commemorate on Palm Sunday, jesus entering on a donkey reminded people of King David’s entry to Jerusalem also on a donkey.
Coins – Judas receives 30 pieces of silver.  The Scribes and Pharisees paid Judas 30 silver coins to betray Jesus.
Cup – Jesus at the Last Supper, where he celebrates communion for the first time.
Praying Hands – Garden of Gethsemane.  After the Passover meal, Jesus went to the gardens to pray with Peter, James and John.  But they couldn’t stay awake.
Leather strip – the whip.  After Jesus was arrested, and taken to Pilate, he was whipped.  Then when presented to the crowds, the crowds called for the release of a criminal instead of Jesus.
Crown of thorns – the crown of thorns.  Before the crucifixion, Jesus was mocked for being King of the Jews.
Nails – the nails that held Jesus to the cross.  While sometimes people were tied to crosses, they used nails for a quicker, more brutal death.  Perhaps because of wanting it done before the high holy day began at sundown.
Die – (one dice) the lots cast by the centurions.  The Roman guards didn’t want to divide Jesus seamless royal purple cloak, so the gambled to see who would receive it. (Pair of dice, but one is “a die.”)
Spear – the spear that pierced Jesus side.  To check to see if Jesus was dead, one centurion pierced Jesus’ side with a spear.  He did not move, and blood and water came out, proving that he was, in fact, dead.
Cloth – represents the linen wrapping.  When Jesus was taken down from the cross there wasn’t time for the full Jewish funeral ritual, so he was quickly wrapped in a linen sheet to be taken to the tomb.
Stone – the stone that sealed the tomb.  The Pharisees understood that Jesus had raised Lazarus, and were afraid that someone would make it seem like he had risen from the dead, so they insisted the tomb be sealed and guarded.  A large stone was rolled across it, sealed with the Roman governor’s mark, and centurions were posted.  Little did they know that they would be proving that Jesus did indeed rise from the dead!
Empty egg – the empty tomb.  Luke 24:5-6 “Why do you look for the living among the dead?  He is not here; he has risen!”

You can make eggs of your own with these things or others like: scrap of palm, purple cloth, rope (arrest), soap (washing of the feet), soldiers, bible charm, cotton ball (ascension to clouds), key (locked upper room), cross, etc.  If you want to buy a set, they're available at Christian bookstores or online for $8-$15.  If you're at St. John's, ask Leslie, as she picked up several sets.

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