Saturday, July 17, 2010

Study for the Story

Moses – Overview Study

For VBS this year we’re trying to tell the whole story of Moses.  In three 20 minute stories.  The goals for the kids are to hear the story, think about it vividly using their imagination, connect it to their relationship with God, and to put it in context with the Bible.  It’s okay if it doesn’t all happen here as these are mostly process goals we’re practicing.  Here is the story version of these bible passages.

For today, let’s look at the story and think about questions that arise for ourselves.  We can talk about the questions here or pose your own, or think of what questions the kids will have.

Day 1:  Moses is born, spared, raised as a prince, exiled, finds a family and then meets God.
Moral: we often don’t feel we can do what God calls us to.  He’ll help!
•    What connections do you see between Joseph’s story and Moses’?
•    How did Moses’ time as a Prince prepare him for what was to come?  Is it important that he was slated for death?
•    Moses doesn’t seem to have any trouble believing the voice from the bush is God.  Why is he so hesitant to go on God’s mission?

Day 2:  Moses returns to Egypt, with Aaron engages with Pharaoh, brings the plagues, including the first Passover, leads the people out and God destroys the Egyptian army.
Moral:  God has saved us.
•    What do you think about the idea of God hardening Pharaoh’s heart?
•    Why is it so hard for Pharaoh to let the Israelites go?  Can you relate to that?
•    Why so many plagues?  What can we learn from them?

Day 3: Moses receives the law, struggles with the Israelites, struggles with his own faith, learns to walk with God, and sees the people ready for the Promised Land.
Moral:  even if you screw up, stay in relationship with God.
•    Does God change his mind?  How do you think of passages like Moses pleading for the Israelites?
•    Why was it so hard for the Israelites to follow God, even with visual and visceral daily reminders of the Lord’s presence?
•    How do you separate forgiveness and consequences?  God repeatedly forgives the Israelites, but assigns consequences regardless.  Why?  How does it help the people?

What’s one thing from this story that you want to spend more time thinking about?

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